Playground Backup


One out of every 10 children in our county has special needs – they are physically disabled or medically fragile due to illness, injury or birth defect. When we include, rather than exclude, children with all manners and degrees of physical challenges, we not only foster friendship, acceptance, and understanding, but we also witness the strength, resilience, courage and joy of these amazing children, a gift that benefits the whole community.

That’s why we developed the vision to build a universally accessible park for people of all abilities that will enhance the emotional, physical and social development of children with special needs, as well as teach compassion and acceptance.


This is the Jack Ready Imagination Park, and it’s been a dream of ours since 2005, when a 30-acre parcel of land in Nipomo was donated to serve as a community park in memory of baby Jack Ready.

We are more excited than ever about the progress at the Jack Ready Imagination Park, the first universally accessible park for physically challenged children in San Luis Obispo County. The park will be a place that will allow children with disabilities to play with their peers while also providing a fun and relaxing experience for the entire family. The park will include an accessible playground, a therapeutic riding facility, sports courts, playing fields, accessible hiking trails and picnic areas.


We have everything we need to complete this park. We have the plans. We have the permits. We have the need. We have the vision.

But we aren’t there yet.
To start construction on Phase Two of the park, we will need to raise over $2,000,000 from business sponsors and individual donors like you.

Donors like you will make the critical difference. Donors like you will build the Jack Ready Imagination Park and turn years of dreaming, planning, and team effort into a reality.
We cannot do it without you.